Actually, Steve made this card for me for Valentine's Day, but that is how long it has been since I have posted. We decided to keep it a low key V-day. I made fondue, and he made a card. It is always my favorite when I get something handmade from Steve.
It has been a crazy month. First and foremost I would like to thank Mary Beth Shaw from The Common Denominator for naming me as one of her favorite blogs to read. It made my day, and now I must pay it forward. I have way too many blogs that are my favorite to read and look at. I will name a few though. Oddly enough, I have been reading Mary Beth's blog for longer than I have really known her. The first time I saw her work was at the Schlafly show three years ago. I loved it so much that I bought two pieces.

Another favorite that I love to read is Anna Maria Horner. She is a fabric designer. I have no idea how I found her, but she is this adorable mom of five, who holds it together like a pro and looks like she's 20. Her stuff is fabulous, her photos are bright and cheery and I love her little stories about her kiddos. I actually bought myself one of her fat stacks for Christmas. I have no idea what I am going to do with it, but it inspires me when I look at it everyday. It is just pretty sitting in its own little stacked colorful self.
And one more favorites is Bernie Berlin's, A Place to Bark. Bernie is the real deal. She is a one woman show who makes beautiful collages and saves dogs. She rescues hundreds of dogs a year and hand delivers them to their homes across the country. I love her stories and her insights.
There are so many more that I enjoy reading. Most of them have links to the right. I like easy access to my favorites. I am now running late for an adoption event, so I have to go, but I have so many things to tell you. To be continued later on today. I hope...
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